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European Day of Languages 2023.

European Day of Languages 2023.
Adam Mickiewcz, a 224-year-old grandfather ?‍? took part in different language activities with our students ???‍??‍??‍??‍??‍? from grades 1,2,3. Although he is old, he is eager to learn new words in English.
Students from classes 3a&3b invited him on a trip. Grandpa Adaś travelled around the world ? and met amazing animals ? ? ? ??????? ? ? ????. They revised animal vocabulary.
Students from classes 2a&2b are interested in fashion ? ? ? ? ???. Together with grandaddy Adaś they attended and participated in New York Fashion Week ?. Look at grandpa Adaś, he is so stylish! They revised clothes vocabulary.
Students from classes 1a&1b are the youngest at our school ?. Everything in the classroom ?‍??‍? is new for them. Look! Who is that elder man ?‍? in the first row? Is he a new student in our class? …It is Adam Mickiewicz! They all revised school vocabulary.
Data dodania: 2023-10-12 08:39:33
Data edycji: 2023-10-12 08:47:20
Ilość wyświetleń: 152
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