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Projekt eTwinning Kids With Lifelong Skills

 Projekt eTwinning Kids With Lifelong Skills

This is transdisciplinary project through which pupils will gain key competences by participating in the project activities from September 2020 to May 2021.
Project activities will be organized monthly and each class will choose a topic connected to international dates, days and anniversaries which we will celebrate in our schools. We will use different digital tools to make digital materials (posters, exhibitions, quizzes…) to cooperate, communicate and collaborate, to be creative, to share ideas and experiences and to learn together.

Cele projektu:

Pupils will learn to communicate on their mother tongue and foreign languages- multilingualism and literacy, they will develop their digital skills and technology-based competences and learn to use different digital tools in safe environment, they will learn vividly and explore, they will use different learning sources and work together and in teams-online and in classes and improve their interpersonal skills and the ability to adopt new competences such as active citizenship and critical thinking, they will develop their entrepreneurship and cultural awareness and expression.


Data dodania: 2021-06-08 22:39:10
Data edycji: 2021-06-08 22:42:24
Ilość wyświetleń: 308
Projekty Unijne


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