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“Talent Show: one, two, three… GO!”

“Talent Show: one, two, three… GO!”

The project will run during the 2023/2024 school year and will involve students from the fifth and sixth class (age: 11 - 12 years). The project will run from October to December 2023. The idea includes activities related to drawing pupils' attention to their strengths and talents, which they can show off. By means of self-presentation, we want to show the diversity of people's characters and abilities, as well as drawing children's attention to the fact that everyone can show off something and be good at something. The partners will communicate via the TwinSpace platform, as well as Google Meet for online meetings.

Data dodania: 2023-09-15 13:52:42
Data edycji: 2023-09-15 13:55:18
Ilość wyświetleń: 66


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